Lonzo Ball makes triumphant return for first NBA game since Jan. 2022 - USA TODAY

  1. Lonzo Ball makes triumphant return for first NBA game since Jan. 2022  USA TODAY
  2. Ball scores 10 in return; rehab 'all behind me now'  ESPN
  3. Bulls’ Lonzo Ball returns to court after surgeries, missing more than 2 seasons: ‘It’s all behind me now’  Yahoo Sports
  4. Bulls’ Lonzo Ball returns to standing ovation in preseason game after near 3-year absence  The New York Times
  5. Lonzo Ball scores 10 points in first NBA game in over two years  NBA.com

source https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiugFBVV95cUxOZWhIdFFDUGhMMkg0QUl6cFp4T1l1NUhQeU5BVzI5Q0lncG1fUXdWTmhyLU1oa2NsbTgtT3pVVTJmeVRVVVZld2VjOUlROUd0UFh0WkRITW9qMms5elVTUXZmeGxfQXIyQVhuWUNRdUl6V2JsYi1ua2tpT0NYY19DWm0xZUZpaWtiZ2I4MkJlMmJBTUt3SlozanRGaXE5SDlaSVg2WV8yWW12U0ZUUW1waWNSWGRQYVZHbUE?oc=5
