Jared Goff’s TD Catch on 'MNF' Led to Lots of Jokes About Travis Kelce - Sports Illustrated

  1. Jared Goff’s TD Catch on 'MNF' Led to Lots of Jokes About Travis Kelce  Sports Illustrated
  2. Campbell: I 'feel awful' over Goff game ball snub  ESPN
  3. Why fans should feel oddly encouraged by Seahawks’ loss to Lions  The Seattle Times
  4. The Quarterback Who Just Threw a Perfect Game  The Wall Street Journal
  5. Seahawks HC Mike Macdonald: Loss in Detroit shows 'we're not the team that we need to be at this point'  NFL.com

source https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMilgFBVV95cUxNVGo1N0JRdFd1WEhPTUtRc2FKeVZJNXR3S0ZHc000dlNNVmNxQ1hwdkx0VHVTUjRvMnktbFBadG8zX2swa2syWlJDaFFxUFF4MTVVWHNza2lUUTlrVTJ5S2JkcHJ3dDNpQUd0NkZaRTVvcVNuaUEyaHhodFJYaVlLVE5RNnNNbjhzOVdXQTFGY2xSdC1PNXc?oc=5
