Jared Goff, Lions stun Rams in overtime in first 'Sunday Night Football' matchup of the season - Yahoo Sports

  1. Jared Goff, Lions stun Rams in overtime in first 'Sunday Night Football' matchup of the season  Yahoo Sports
  2. David Montgomery Steamrolled Detroit’s Opening-Night Jitters  Defector
  3. Lions vs. Rams game balls: David Montgomery among 3 big winners in gritty OT battle  Detroit Free Press
  4. Wojo: Lions resume rowdy ride in dramatic fashion, beat Stafford again  Detroit News
  5. Biggest Takeaways From Rams Season Opening Loss to Lions  Sports Illustrated

source https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi0gFBVV95cUxNWVhwbnNxbUctOFdRUDhpYzhaa0U0VTZLMERfbzJuWUxvaS1RTWpmclpLcHBFZTFyOWR5ZFVmeldVcUdJcXNGNzVCTGVUeTIwX09kMXFlcHlCZEY2V25hTlhrNnJPd19kd0JYY2ZJblBNalh1SF9jcW41MGJrOHB4Um9UdTk4WGtpdlJRYThJOTZfUXQzWmVhZWNQdTV6Wkl2WVdBQW52Z0pIdU9kMDZTTV9GNWhXVElrZ0kzME9xVXFlZkpCUzZ4TDlRbnVSOW5vcUE?oc=5
