Florida State's fall to 0-3 has Mike Norvell's team leading college football's Week 3 Misery Index - USA TODAY

  1. Florida State's fall to 0-3 has Mike Norvell's team leading college football's Week 3 Misery Index  USA TODAY
  2. Mandel’s Final Thoughts: A gloomy Week 3 in the Sunshine State for Florida and FSU - The Athletic  The New York Times
  3. What Memphis football's Ryan Silverfield admitted in 'monumental' win over FSU — and what's next  Commercial Appeal
  4. Fire alarm goes off during Florida State postgame after expensive, disastrous loss to Memphis  Fox News
  5. AP Top 25 Takeaways: While trying to escape ACC in court, Florida State falls from top 10 to 0-3  The Associated Press

source https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi2AFBVV95cUxPb0NzT1daQ1ZZUFg1WXBqUUo2SVVIMG5ibUdnQUZWTndqV0RVMUNuWXkyZUg1dmhhMkpsbm10NTRkRUY0U3kyZW9YVjVlOS1JM0lOY0JaR3gzdUFJRGJ4M2xQRTZpczM3dGFDa0hFcTdqN2R3d3owdUlxS0NDejJwT1l4eXR5amlLbVdFbmxfRExFY3drdDBZVjBheXdDZ3RZUFI0djZWdndvejVleHE5Y1BIVG82a3hqQzduQ2VlenRaWFFzOHMtRWxQb1paTkVadVRVN3R3OW0?oc=5
