Timberwolves agree to trade with Spurs to get Rob Dillingham with 8th overall pick - KSTP

  1. Timberwolves agree to trade with Spurs to get Rob Dillingham with 8th overall pick  KSTP
  2. Five things to know about a transformative night for the Timberwolves  Star Tribune
  3. Rob Dillingham trade grades: Spurs, Timberwolves both win in one of NBA Draft's most unconventional deals  CBS Sports
  4. The Spurs reaffirmed their commitment to the long view on draft night  Pounding The Rock
  5. Wolves acquire rights to 8th pick Rob Dillingham from Spurs for future draft pick, swap  NBA.com

source https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiiAFodHRwczovL2tzdHAuY29tL2Fzc29jaWF0ZWQtcHJlc3MvYXAtbmF0aW9uYWwtc3BvcnRzL3RpbWJlcndvbHZlcy1hZ3JlZS10by10cmFkZS13aXRoLXNwdXJzLXRvLWdldC1yb2ItZGlsbGluZ2hhbS13aXRoLTh0aC1vdmVyYWxsLXBpY2sv0gEA?oc=5
