2024 NBA Draft Winners and Losers: Rookie class will have a tough road to make immediate fantasy hoops impact - Yahoo Sports

  1. 2024 NBA Draft Winners and Losers: Rookie class will have a tough road to make immediate fantasy hoops impact  Yahoo Sports
  2. The Bounce: Best picks of the NBA Draft so far  The New York Times
  3. NBA Draft Winners, Losers, and More Losers With Ryen Russillo  The Ringer
  4. NBA players react to their Draft moment  NBA.com
  5. NBA Draft winners and losers: 4 teams who crushed it, 1 perfect fit, and 3 bad moments  SB Nation

source https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMilAFodHRwczovL3Nwb3J0cy55YWhvby5jb20vMjAyNC1uYmEtZHJhZnQtd2lubmVycy1hbmQtbG9zZXJzLXJvb2tpZS1jbGFzcy13aWxsLWhhdmUtYS10b3VnaC1yb2FkLXRvLW1ha2UtaW1tZWRpYXRlLWZhbnRhc3ktaG9vcHMtaW1wYWN0LTE0MDkwNzgxMi5odG1s0gEA?oc=5
