Warriors, Steph Curry sets Bill Simmons off after stealing Celtics soul again - SFGATE

  1. Warriors, Steph Curry sets Bill Simmons off after stealing Celtics soul again  SFGATE
  2. Stephen Curry, with one epic splash, revives the Warriors' season  The Athletic
  3. Warriors' signature win vs. Celtics could be long-awaited breakthrough  NBC Sports Bay Area
  4. The Boston Celtics open road trip with 132-126 overtime loss to Golden State Warriors  Celtics Blog
  5. Warriors 132-126 Celtics (Dec 19, 2023) Game Recap  ESPN

source https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiYWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnNmZ2F0ZS5jb20vd2FycmlvcnMvYXJ0aWNsZS9zdGVwaC1jdXJyeS1zZXRzLWJpbGwtc2ltbW9ucy1vZmYtc3RlYWwtc291bC0xODU2NTA0MC5waHDSAQA?oc=5
