Florida State leaving the ACC would have massive ramifications for the future of college athletics - Yahoo Sports

  1. Florida State leaving the ACC would have massive ramifications for the future of college athletics  Yahoo Sports
  2. Florida State calls special board meeting amid uncertain future  ESPN
  3. If Florida State's goal is to never get snubbed again, leaving the ACC is a terrible idea  Deadspin
  4. Mark Richt blames CFP for Florida State bowl game opt-outs  On3.com
  5. OSU Football Could Feel 'Ripple Effect' of Conference Realignment as FSU Explores Options  Sports Illustrated

source https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiigFodHRwczovL3Nwb3J0cy55YWhvby5jb20vZmxvcmlkYS1zdGF0ZS1sZWF2aW5nLXRoZS1hY2Mtd291bGQtaGF2ZS1tYXNzaXZlLXJhbWlmaWNhdGlvbnMtZm9yLXRoZS1mdXR1cmUtb2YtY29sbGVnZS1hdGhsZXRpY3MtMTU0NjMyMDQyLmh0bWzSAQA?oc=5
