'Spiderhead' is a lousy name for a not-much-better movie - CNN

  1. 'Spiderhead' is a lousy name for a not-much-better movie  CNN
  2. Chris Hemsworth on the Spiderhead Villain and His Yacht Rock Playlist  IGN
  3. Chris Hemsworth, Miles Teller Shine in Netflix's Spiderhead  Vulture
  4. Can Chris Hemsworth Carry a Non-Marvel Movie?  The Daily Beast
  5. Spiderhead review: Chris Hemsworth shines in slick thriller  Digital Trends
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

source https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMiSWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmNubi5jb20vMjAyMi8wNi8xNy9lbnRlcnRhaW5tZW50L3NwaWRlcmhlYWQtcmV2aWV3L2luZGV4Lmh0bWzSAU1odHRwczovL2FtcC5jbm4uY29tL2Nubi8yMDIyLzA2LzE3L2VudGVydGFpbm1lbnQvc3BpZGVyaGVhZC1yZXZpZXcvaW5kZXguaHRtbA?oc=5
