With ‘season on the line,' Garrett Wilson and Davante Adams sparked Jets, Aaron Rodgers. Now what? - Yahoo Sports

  1. With ‘season on the line,' Garrett Wilson and Davante Adams sparked Jets, Aaron Rodgers. Now what?  Yahoo Sports
  2. Texans-Jets on 'Thursday Night Football': What We Learned from New York's 21-13 win  NFL.com
  3. Six NFL trade proposals from a former general manager, plus 'TNF' grades after Jets' huge win over Texans  CBS Sports
  4. Texans' Stroud hopes loss to Jets 'a wake-up call'  ESPN
  5. Jets' Wilson makes case for catch of the year  NBC Sports

source https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMizAFBVV95cUxOd3Itc2cyQ2x0QmcydFd3UWtoT3FLbTF4RmpQQ0xGcmdyZzhxOWpiSkZTeDZYUnBleVQtdDBPYUxFdU9GWmFNdTRLWTlBa3gxbFJxUWtqMzdFUXc3REo5VEVza0pSc1FpenlfQk1PQ0prd3hpNmo2d09ZYkVyNTNwSWdyMmtmLW5tcjVadUFSZjU0MWpNYlBKajF1YmN0T3JDRmVBVGVySUYwVzIyeDJWMUhCaEVHalRCOGpzNExiVXNNSl9xOUhwV2hYODU?oc=5
