JJ Watt leaves door open for return if Texans, DeMeco Ryans 'absolutely need it' - CBS Sports

  1. JJ Watt leaves door open for return if Texans, DeMeco Ryans 'absolutely need it'  CBS Sports
  2. J.J. Watt: I'd return if Texans 'absolutely need it'  ESPN
  3. J.J. Watt: I told DeMeco Ryans I'll play if the Texans need me  NBC Sports
  4. J.J. Watt says he'd come out of retirement to play again if Texans 'absolutely need it'  USA TODAY
  5. JJ Watt teases a sensational NFL return and reveals he's already spoken to Texans coach DeMeco Ryans about a p  Daily Mail

source https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMicWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmNic3Nwb3J0cy5jb20vbmZsL25ld3Mvamotd2F0dC1sZWF2ZXMtZG9vci1vcGVuLWZvci1yZXR1cm4taWYtdGV4YW5zLWRlbWVjby1yeWFucy1hYnNvbHV0ZWx5LW5lZWQtaXQv0gF1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY2Jzc3BvcnRzLmNvbS9uZmwvbmV3cy9qai13YXR0LWxlYXZlcy1kb29yLW9wZW4tZm9yLXJldHVybi1pZi10ZXhhbnMtZGVtZWNvLXJ5YW5zLWFic29sdXRlbHktbmVlZC1pdC9hbXAv?oc=5
