Oakland A's to play 2025-27 seasons in Sacramento's minor-league park - USA TODAY

  1. Oakland A's to play 2025-27 seasons in Sacramento's minor-league park  USA TODAY
  2. Athletics to play at minor league park before Vegas residency  ESPN
  3. Do you have questions about the Oakland A's move to West Sacramento? Ask our journalists  Yahoo! Voices
  4. Sacramento will host MLB as A's confirm temporary home  KCRA Sacramento
  5. Oakland A’s to play 3 seasons in Sacramento before Las Vegas  Sacramento Bee

source https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMijgFodHRwczovL3d3dy51c2F0b2RheS5jb20vc3Rvcnkvc3BvcnRzL21sYi9hdGhsZXRpY3MvMjAyNC8wNC8wNC9hdGhsZXRpY3MtdG8tcGxheS0yMDI1LTI3LXNlYXNvbnMtaW4tc2FjcmFtZW50b3MtbWlub3ItbGVhZ3VlLXBhcmsvNzMyMDMwNDgwMDcv0gEA?oc=5
