'A little bit too much': Fans, players call for change after chaos at WM Phoenix Open - The Arizona Republic

  1. 'A little bit too much': Fans, players call for change after chaos at WM Phoenix Open  The Arizona Republic
  2. Scottsdale Fire, TPC Scottsdale bartender react to Saturday shutdown at WM Phoenix Open  Arizona's Family
  3. ‘Sick of it’: Zach Johnson loses temper with fans on final day at Phoenix Open  The Guardian
  4. Unruly fan behavior draws ire of Zach Johnson, Billy Horschel at Phoenix Open  ESPN
  5. Tour Confidential: Has the party at the WM Phoenix Open gotten out of hand?  Golf.com

source https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMipQFodHRwczovL3d3dy5hemNlbnRyYWwuY29tL3N0b3J5L3Nwb3J0cy9nb2xmL3Bob2VuaXgtb3Blbi8yMDI0LzAyLzEyL2ZhbnMtcGxheWVycy1jYWxsLWZvci1jaGFuZ2UtYWZ0ZXItY2hhb3MtYXQtcGhvZW5peC1vcGVuLXphY2gtam9obnNvbi1iaWxseS1ob3JzY2hlbC83MjU2Njc1OTAwNy_SAQA?oc=5
