A teenage British darts phenom astounds as runner-up in the world championship - NPR

  1. A teenage British darts phenom astounds as runner-up in the world championship  NPR
  2. The Newest Sports Prodigy Is a 16-Year-Old Who Lives on Kebabs and Orange Soda  The Wall Street Journal
  3. Luke Humphries claims World Darts title with win over Luke Littler | 'The ascension is complete!'  Sky Sports
  4. Luke Littler was glorious in defeat, in a sport the snobs hate – what could be more British than that?  The Guardian
  5. Darts World Captivated By 16-Year-Old Lad Who Loves Kebabs  Defector

source https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiT2h0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lm5wci5vcmcvMjAyNC8wMS8wNC8xMjIyODQwOTA0L3RlZW5hZ2UtZGFydHMtd29ybGQtZGFydC1jaGFtcGlvbnNoaXDSAQA?oc=5
