Epic is asking a court to stop Google from yanking Bandcamp off the Play Store - The Verge

  1. Epic is asking a court to stop Google from yanking Bandcamp off the Play Store  The Verge
  2. Bandcamp is upset about the Play Store taking a cut from it while unironically taking one from artists itself  Android Police
  3. Epic asks court to stop Google's removal of Bandcamp from the Play Store  Engadget
  4. Supporting Artists on Android – Bandcamp Updates  Bandcamp
  5. Epic asks court to stop Google from removing Bandcamp from Play Store  The Express Tribune
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

source https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMiUWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnRoZXZlcmdlLmNvbS8yMDIyLzQvMjkvMjMwNDgwNTkvZXBpYy1nYW1lcy1nb29nbGUtYmFuZGNhbXAtcGxheS1zdG9yZdIBAA?oc=5
