Texas man who led anti-mask protests in name of ‘freedom’ dies of Covid-19 - The Guardian

  1. Texas man who led anti-mask protests in name of ‘freedom’ dies of Covid-19  The Guardian
  2. A Texas man who protested against face masks will be transferred to hospice after being hospitalized for nearly a month with COVID-19  Yahoo News
  3. Texan Man Who Organized Anti-Mask Protests Dies of COVID  Slate Magazine
  4. Anti-mask rally organizer Caleb Wallace dies of COVID in Texas, his pregnant wife says  Fort Worth Star-Telegram
  5. A Texas anti-mask organizer has died from Covid-19.  The New York Times
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

source https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMibGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnRoZWd1YXJkaWFuLmNvbS91cy1uZXdzLzIwMjEvYXVnLzI5L3RleGFzLWNhbGViLXdhbGxhY2UtYW50aS1tYXNrLXByb3Rlc3RzLWZyZWVkb20tZGllcy1jb3ZpZC0xOdIBbGh0dHBzOi8vYW1wLnRoZWd1YXJkaWFuLmNvbS91cy1uZXdzLzIwMjEvYXVnLzI5L3RleGFzLWNhbGViLXdhbGxhY2UtYW50aS1tYXNrLXByb3Rlc3RzLWZyZWVkb20tZGllcy1jb3ZpZC0xOQ?oc=5
