FEMA is deploying or supporting vaccination sites in 11 states - NBC News

  1. FEMA is deploying or supporting vaccination sites in 11 states  NBC News
  2. Pentagon close to reaching agreement to provide around 450,000 Covid-19 vaccinations a day if they're available  CNN
  3. FEMA asks Pentagon to ready as many as 10,000 troops to support nationwide vaccine push  CBS News
  4. FEMA obligates $32 million to Mississippi for COVID-19 vaccination costs  WLOX
  5. FEMA gives Alabama $51.6 million for COVID vaccinations  AL.com
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

source https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMiZmh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lm5iY25ld3MuY29tL25ld3MvdXMtbmV3cy9mZW1hLWRlcGxveWluZy1vci1zdXBwb3J0aW5nLXZhY2NpbmF0aW9uLXNpdGVzLTExLXN0YXRlcy1uMTI1NjI4MNIBLGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lm5iY25ld3MuY29tL25ld3MvYW1wL25jbmExMjU2Mjgw?oc=5
