Ex-White House doctor: to help Trump's diet I hid cauliflower in his mash - The Guardian

  1. Ex-White House doctor: to help Trump's diet I hid cauliflower in his mash  The Guardian
  2. Trump says coronavirus 'under control' in US l ABC News  ABC News
  3. Trump claims coronavirus is 'going to go away' despite mounting concerns  CNN
  4. Behind our sluggish response to coronavirus, an unnecessary battle over funding  The Washington Post
  5. What is the Trump administration’s thinking on the new coronavirus?  The Washington Post
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

source https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMiVmh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnRoZWd1YXJkaWFuLmNvbS91cy1uZXdzLzIwMjAvZmViLzI1L3RydW1wLWRvY3Rvci13aGl0ZS1ob3VzZS1yb25ueS1qYWNrc29u0gFWaHR0cHM6Ly9hbXAudGhlZ3VhcmRpYW4uY29tL3VzLW5ld3MvMjAyMC9mZWIvMjUvdHJ1bXAtZG9jdG9yLXdoaXRlLWhvdXNlLXJvbm55LWphY2tzb24?oc=5
